Techniques and my trainings:


Emotional Freedom Techniques is a technique contributing to release the emotional tension from different areas of our life. Therapeutic sequences involve at the same time body, emotions and mind, hence they contribute on different levels and in an efficient manner to relax, to gain a new perspective of a situation, to find solutions for problems.

Numerous clinical tests confirm the high effectiveness of this method even for PTSD syndrome. It’s applicable also to free from fears, neurosis, phobia. The EFT practitioners mention a beneficial effect on the health condition.

Amazed by the effectiveness of this method, I have followed the training of EFT practitioners delivered by Magdalena Rąpalska (education within Górnośląska Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości offer). Already during the training cycle I started to practice this methodology with others and from session to session I become more and more convinced for EFT.

Cellular EFT

A modality of EFT, elaborated by pioneers of this method in Poland. It’s based on similar mechanisms of liberating the emotions as core EFT, it’s a different modality to find the sources of problems and emotional tensions. I have followed the training of this method delivered by Ewa Cecylia Chabros (education within Górnośląska Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości offer). Cellular EFT, together with EFT are my basis to work on the topics which my clients bring to sessions.

Tuning forks

This method belongs to sound therapy techniques which influence positively the body and mind by sounds.

My training path within this methodology started with Cellular Resonance Therapy training (levels I and II), however I began very soon my creative adventure with those instruments, going beyond the CRT convention.

I find that a very precious moment on my tuning fork exploration path was the Solfeggio training that I followed at Małgorzata Działak. The participation in this education has immensely increased my view on the possibilities that tuning forks do give in the therapeutic and cognitive dimension.

My experience so far covers numerous sessions done in the onsite and remote mode (remote – using the representation, similarly as during the Hellinger constellations).

Areas where I can support you:

EFT / Cellular EFT:

  • overweight and obesity,
  • stress, low spirits, loss of motivation,
  • school stress,
  • burn out,
  • decrease in fitness sur to the stress,
  • trying to become a parent (and related topics),
  • difficulties in relationships,
  • different types of addictions,
  • crossroads (professionals, in relations),
  • health challenges

Important notice: In case of challenges or troubles requiring pharmacological support, I always recommend to start or to continue the conventional diagnostic and therapy. My sessions are not supposed to substitute medical advice.

I am available to work with children as well:

  • 4-11 years – sessions with a parent, towards the end of the session we can invite your child for 10 minutes,
  • 12-16 years – separate sessions with a parent and a child (we can divide 1 h sessions : 40 min / 20 min),
  • above 16 years – your child can have a separate session.

Tuning forks:

  • stress,
  • traumas,
  • fatigue and energy loss,
  • for persons with mobility problems,
  • for persons (including children) with developmental disorders.

The sessions with/for children and persons with mobility problems or developmental disorders take place in the presence of a parent.

I was also doing sessions for animals – it might be useful to destress your pet after some stressful events.


Contraindications to the onsite tuning fork session:

  • pregnancy,
  • starters,
  • cancers,
  • it’s recommended to be particularly prudent in case of epilepsy.

The synergy effect and how we can cooperate:

Each of the methods that I offer has a high effectiveness. From my observations it comes out that combining them in one session gives an additional effect of synergy, a blockages’ removal acceleration, a better liberation of emotions, a deeper the state of relaxation and wellbeing.

The formulas of sessions:

Single sessions or series (EFT/Cellular EFT methodology combined with tuning forks or without them).

Duration of the session:

  • 1,5 h,
  • 1 h,
  • 2×30 or 2×45 minutes (I recommend this formula especially to work on your overweight, professional burn out or when working with children).

Available languages for sessions: Polish, French, English.